Research & Development

Photonic integrated circuits

Photonic integrated circuits (PICs) are the cornerstone of future photonics. Virtually any traditional photonic system can be transformed into a photonic microchip, unlocking unprecedented functionalities beyond the reach of conventional approaches. Despite numerous advancements, many photonic integration technologies remain underdeveloped. Our focus is to advance fully monolithic PIC technologies, seamlessly integrating active and passive components without complicate manufacturing steps such as epi overgrowth and wafer-bonding. We have demonstrated the world's first mid-infrared PIC platform, successfully coupling light from quantum cascade lasers operating at 4.6 µm to passive waveguides with high efficiency. This integration approach has been successfully applied to other material systems, extending the wavelength ranges of our PIC technologies.

High-Power Single-Mode Lasers

We challenge ultimate performance of laser devices by constantly rethinking all processes of epi quantum-well design, waveguide design, active material systems, manufacturing process, packaging, and cooling. We research and develop high power GaAs, InP, QC lasers.

Mid-IR LED Arrays for IRSP

Infrared scene projectors (IRSPs) are often used for hardware-in-the-loop testing and IR sensor calibration. Their display performance is predominantly determined by the performance of the emitters. By using mid-infrared light-emitting diodes (LEDs), IRSPs can achieve high apparent temperature, fast frame rates, and high resolution compared to other resistor-based emitters. Leveraging our extensive LED research history, we have developed a new active region for LEDs operating in the 3-6 µm spectral range. We have demonstrated 1024x1024 LED arrays that are scalable to 2048x2048 or higher, with exceptional yield, excellent temperature stability, and high apparent temperature, making our arrays top-class in the mid-IR market. Our research focuses on demonstrating mid-IR LEDs with high apparent temperature, high wall-plug efficiency, high operating temperature, and dual-wavelength operation. As a result, our customers manufacturing IRSP systems using our LED arrays offer the best IRSP products on the market.


Optical metasurfaces, two-dimensional structured surfaces with tailored optical responses, allow for complex manipulation of light over deeply subwavelength volumes. We have demonstrated metasurface architectures with record-breaking optical nonlinearity in the mid-infrared, with targeted applications in free-space optical modulation, power limiting, harmonic generation, and more.